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ABOUT "Maps"

"Maps" is a Digital Humanities (DH) project by Lauren Taglienti for the final for EGL 311 at Stony Brook University. Lauren was inspired by the subject matter of this project, maps, as well as an online video game, "With Those We Love Alive," to mimetically format this DH project after how one would travel when following a map, in that a user of this site would have to travel to one location, or page, before traveling to the next location/page or returning to a pervious location/page instead of being able to hop around in this site's navigation.


Lauren probably didn't have to put so much effort into this project, but she really enjoyed everything about it: the whole process of formatting the website and fitting the research and data into it, so she worked really hard on this. Lauren also loves maps, globes, atlases, and other nerd things.

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